

This API is used to Search Record > Search Record page playback data.

Request Message

Parameter Description

Table 1

“IP_CH1”…” IP_CH1x”,
“WIFI_CH1”…” WIFI_CH1x”,
The number of channels depends on the capabilities of the device.
string arrayEach array bit represents a channel with a string.
start_datestringSearch startdate.
The date format is MM/DD/YYYY
end_datestringSearch enddate.
The date format is MM/DD/YYYY
start_timestringSearch start time.
The time format is hh:mm:ss
end_timestringSearch end time.
The time format is hh:mm:ss
record_typeintRecode type
record_type_exInt arrayRecord type expansion (bitwise)
stream_mode"Mainstream","Substream"stringStream type (IPC supports only primary streams)
smart_region18Int arrayThe size of the Smart playback filter area is 15 x 22.


POST /API/Playback/SearchRecord/Search HTTP/1.1
	"version": "1.0",
	"data": {
		"channel": [
		"start_date": "06/28/2023",
		"start_time": "00:00:00",
		"end_date": "06/28/2023",
		"end_time": "23:59:59",
		"record_type": 4294967295,
		"smart_region": [],
		"enable_smart_search": 0,
		"record_type_ex": [
		"stream_mode": "Substream"

Response Message

Parameter Description

Table 2

recordJSON arraySingle Channel Record Information JSON show as follow Table3

Table 3

channelstringchannel number
stringStream type (IPC supports only primary streams)
record_typeNormalRecord: 0x1,

IORecord: 0x4,
PIRRecord: 0x400,
SoundRecord: 0x1000,
NetbreakRecord: 0x800,
MotionRecord: 0x2,
MotionAndIo: 0x6,

AllIntelliRec: 0x1c8,
PEARecord: 0x40,
PEALineRecord: 0x8,
HDRecord: 0x80,
FDRecord: 0x100,

PCCRecord: 0x4000,
SmartRecord: 0x80000,//2018.05.30
OcclusionRecord: 0x100000,//occulusion detection INE_ALL_RECORD: (0x10 | 0x20 | 0x40 | 0x200 |0x1000 | 0x2000 | 0x4000)
AlarmAssemble: 0x7FFFFFFF,//5.0 Use both
AllRecord: 0xFFFFFFFF,
PicAllRecord: 0x7FFFF
intRecord Type (for IPC only)
record_type_exFiredetRecord 0x100000000
MeasureRecord 0x200000000
MeasureRulesRecord 0x400000000
int arrayRecording type extension (for IPC only, since record_type cannot store types exceeding 32 bits, new types exceeding 32 bits are stored here; 12.1.2 Support_record_type_ex: true should also be passed where the device capability is) (Example: pass FiredetRecord: record_type_ex[1 ])
record_typeNormalRecord: 0x1, AlarmRecord: 0x2, MotionRecord: 0x4, IORecord: 0x8, PEARecord: 0x10, PEALineRecord: 0x10, AVDRecord: 0x20, OSCRecord: 0x40, AllIntelliRec: 0x80, SensorRecord: 0x100, PEAAreaRecord: 0x200, OCCRecord: 0x400,//private zone NetbreakRecord: 0x800,//netbreak HDRecord: 0x1000, 4096 FDRecord: 0x2000, 8192 PCCRecord: 0x4000, 16384 MothionAndIo: 0x8000, PIRRecord: 0x10000, SoundRecord: 0x20000, ManualRecord: 0x40000, SmartRecord: 0x80000,//2018.05.30 OcclusionRecord: 0x100000,//occulusion detection PersonRecord: 0x200000 FaceAttribute:0x400000 INE_ALL_RECORD: (0x10 | 0x20 | 0x40 | 0x200 |0x1000 | 0x2000 | 0x4000),
AlarmAssemble: 0x7FFFFFFF,//5.0 Use both
AllRecord: 0xFFFFFFFF,
intRecord Type (for NVR only)
start_datestringRecord file startdate.
The date format is MM/DD/YYYY
end_datestringRecord file end date.
The date format is MM/DD/YYYY
start_timestringRecord file start time.
The time format is hh:mm:ss
end_timestringRecord file end time.
The time format is hh:mm:ss
Sizeintfile size, unit byte
record_id0 - 0xFFFFFFFFunsigned int
disk_event_id0 - 0xFFFFFFFFunsigned int


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
	"version": "1.0",
	"result": "success",
	"data": {
		"record": [
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "13:02:03",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "13:29:07",
					"record_id": 605,
					"disk_event_id": 0,
					"size": 266215424,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "13:29:07",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "13:57:30",
					"record_id": 523,
					"disk_event_id": 0,
					"size": 266240000,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "13:57:30",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "14:20:32",
					"record_id": 596,
					"disk_event_id": 0,
					"size": 191094784,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 2147483647,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "14:20:32",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "14:21:04",
					"record_id": 596,
					"disk_event_id": 1,
					"size": 4653056,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IMN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "14:21:04",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "14:22:18",
					"record_id": 596,
					"disk_event_id": 2,
					"size": 10436608,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 2147483647,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "14:22:18",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "14:22:52",
					"record_id": 596,
					"disk_event_id": 3,
					"size": 4882432,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IMN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "14:22:52",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "14:29:31",
					"record_id": 596,
					"disk_event_id": 4,
					"size": 55169024,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "14:29:31",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "15:01:37",
					"record_id": 614,
					"disk_event_id": 0,
					"size": 266240000,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "15:01:37",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "15:33:44",
					"record_id": 611,
					"disk_event_id": 0,
					"size": 266227712,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "15:33:44",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "15:46:07",
					"record_id": 647,
					"disk_event_id": 0,
					"size": 102531072,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 2147483647,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "15:46:07",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "15:46:39",
					"record_id": 647,
					"disk_event_id": 1,
					"size": 4546560,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IMN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "15:46:39",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "15:48:33",
					"record_id": 647,
					"disk_event_id": 2,
					"size": 15785984,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 2147483647,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "15:48:33",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "15:49:09",
					"record_id": 647,
					"disk_event_id": 3,
					"size": 5074944,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IMN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 2147483647,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "15:49:09",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "15:50:35",
					"record_id": 647,
					"disk_event_id": 4,
					"size": 12128256,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IMN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "15:50:35",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "16:05:47",
					"record_id": 647,
					"disk_event_id": 5,
					"size": 126181376,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"
					"channel": "CH1",
					"stream_mode": "Substream",
					"record_type": 8,
					"start_date": "06/28/2023",
					"start_time": "16:05:47",
					"end_date": "06/28/2023",
					"end_time": "16:12:53",
					"record_id": 650,
					"disk_event_id": 0,
					"size": 59002880,
					"lock": false,
					"new_record_type": "IN"

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.